5 Scientifically Proven Facts About The Benefits Of Masturbation

ut all this concerning sex with a stranger, in our case, with  Mixed Race Cams models. And about the health benefits of sex with oneself, or, to put it less courtly, masturbation, it is customary to remain silent. And that's what it is! As a child, you were probably afraid that hair would grow on your palms, you would go blind and go crazy if you spent too much time in the bathroom.

Now, of course, no one believes these horror stories, besides, scientists have proven that masturbation is a completely natural process, all healthy men and women do it from time to time. And the one who denies this is most likely lying.


Medical website Medical Daily went further and wrote about the main health benefits of masturbation. Another confirmation of what you yourself guessed for a long time. More precisely, even five confirmations.

Improves Mood

"Orgasm provides your brain with the most powerful influx of dopamine (the hormone of joy) available without medication," says study lead clinical sex therapist Dr. Gloria Braim. The brain of a person experiencing an orgasm, when scanned, looks like the brain of a heroin addict. All this sounds like not a very healthy thing, nevertheless, the advantages of orgasm (both compared to heroin, and just like that) are obvious. No overdose or withdrawal symptoms, but the sensations are similar.

Allows To Increase The Duration Of Intercourse

As an owner of a penis, you probably know that in sex the second approach usually lasts longer than the first and it is much easier to control the situation. So if you're planning to surprise a girl with your abilities, it's a good idea to carefully prepare for the date while still at home. In addition, as experts assured us (by them we mean doctors in this case), regular exercise will help you increase the duration of intercourse. Dr. Braim even advises to time the time when you masturbate, and each time you try to delay your orgasm at least for a minute.

Improves Erection

With age, the body loses muscle tone. This, alas, directly concerns your penis. By masturbating, you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and thereby prevent erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence.

Boosts Immunity

During masturbation 

the stress hormone cortisol is produced in small amounts. It would seem, what is the use of it? Endocrinologist Jennifer Landa explains that cortisol is critical to the body's ability to respond to stress and, in small doses, can help boost immunity. Sports training has a similar effect on the body. But, dare we say, masturbation is still more enjoyable.

Reduces The Likelihood Of Cancer

Lack of regular sex leads to stagnant seminal fluid, which in turn can lead to infections in the prostate and serious health problems. Researchers at Harvard University found that men over the age of 20 who had sex (or masturbate) at least 21 times a month were 19% less likely to develop prostate cancer. In men over 40, the probability rises to 22%. According to another study, men who masturbate 5 times a week are 33% less likely to develop prostate cancer.

We, of course, do not urge you to devote yourself to the cause with undue enthusiasm. Just keep in mind that this is helpful. As they say, for health and longevity